Zubair S-Technical Writing-Zero tolerance DUI policy in USA and its benefits

Zero tolerance DUI policy in USA and its benefits 

Driving under the influence of alcohol is as bad as it can get. It poses a threat to you and everyone around you when you’re on the road driving. The legal limit of BAC(blood-alcohol concentration) for citizens aged 21 and above is 0.08%. Anything more than that is illegal and falls under the category of “driving under the influence” and could result in fines, jail time and a criminal record.

This changes when you’re underage and driving under the influence. All 50 states of USA as well as the District of Columbia has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to underage DUI. Owing to this policy, for someone under the age of 21, BAC ranging from .00% to .02% or more is considered illegal depending on the state. When it’s legal for someone older than 21 to have a BAC of .08% or less.

Underage DUI results in implications such as revocation of driving license and administrative hearings. Even though this policy might seem harsh and unjust to young people, it is not without benefits. According to an NHTSA study, the states implementing this zero-tolerance policy had a 20% decline in deadly car crashes occurring during night-time with drivers under the age of 21, considering most of those accidents were likely to involve alcohol.  And the most noticeable decline in these lethal crashes occurred in states with BAC limits of .02% or less. On the other hand, the states with higher BAC limits showed little progress.

Category:  Drunk Driving





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